New PUBG 4×4 Savage Map Beta Review

by Pratik Mody

PUBG’s new 4×4 map codenamed SAVAGE got revealed as a separate game for closed beta testing.

The keys for the same can be found in PUBG’s Official Site and you have to authenticate your steam account to get an access code to redeem in the steam library from where you will be able to download the game and try it for yourself.

The map is indeed small, in fact so small that you can go anywhere you want and glide from one part of the map to other without any issues whatsoever.


So we started playing our 1st game and it was really good to see how well the game ran. We usually get around 90-110 Fps in our system in an i5 6600k and a 1070 amp extreme GPU with 16gb of ram and in this map as well the fps remained same and constant throughout. There was no lag or stutter and we had the same experience as if we were playing the normal PUBG game itself.

After we joined the lobby and started our 1st game, we saw this part of the island which was crowded with all 100 players and there was no stutter or any kind of texture popping or any rubberbanding.

After we landed, we saw that lot of the buildings and areas did not have any textures in them which was obvious given this is the alpha experimental stage and same went for the indoor areas as well being fully cleared of any furniture or any models of such kind. It was empty with only loot present in them.

This size actually made the game quite fun to play as the area where we landed on had a fight going on even before we began looting and it was just less than 1 minute in the game that the player base reduced by almost 20 people which is insane.

There were some areas, however, that had few textures here n there which made the game look decent for its build but some areas had overdone texture filtering which we are sure will be removed once the new textures and furniture models are added inside the buildings.

We really had a good time playing the game as we got good loots which were scattered well across all the areas, there were 2-3 areas which had the most loot just as school had in erangel and hacienda has in Miramar map. The high loot areas didn’t have textures on them either.

There seems to be no blood present while u hit a body segment of the opponent, which again they did not add yet and will be added after the textures come in.

The map design seems to be inspired by Fortnight which is actually a good thing since PUBG needs a small map where more tryhards compete to see who is better and I think they delivered it perfectly from their end.

Here’s a short view from an FPP game we played

As of now on 4-4-18, they have added Squads where the game only had a SOLO option available yesterday which was pretty quick for them to add.Weather system has also been added, sometimes you will see a sunny weather else rainy or foggy which is always a welcome addition since we all loved the weather elements back in Beta stages. Sadly, they removed the weather system now in the main game which sucks, to be honest as foggy really made the game challenging on so many levels.

Vehicle spawning is pretty good as well as wherever we landed we got to see some or the other vehicles present in the area either outside or on the sides of the area wall. Loot density is pretty good as well, since there are no models inside, its easier to pick up loot and kill people. Cover system and spots are pretty inspite of being such a small map, the devs did a wonderful work here adding so many spots where you can easily take cover and take time to heal up or revive your teammate.

A lot of people play this game mostly in squads or in DUO’s with their best friends/regular squads just to enjoy after working hard for the entire day.


We really think that anyone owning the game should definitely check out this experimental alpha map of SAVAGE. This map shows the potential of the game as well as how good the game can become if we( the people) help developers fix and evolve the upcoming maps in ways which will only in a long run do a lot of good for all of us not having any fps issue or texture popping or rubberbanding of any kind.

They have added this map in a different server showing that they are serious when it comes to this small map and that this is treuly an experiment that can do entirely wrongt at any given point of time but from the looks of it, its doing a pretty swell job.

Thats it guys, make sure you redeem your keys asap and download and test the game for yourself and let us know if you liked this new 4×4 map size or not.




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